Dental Implants Fort Worth TX dentist Dr. Snider wants to share how dental implants can work to restore the alveolar bone in the jaw.
There are many different benefits that dental implants can provide patients, ranging from gum protection and preventing periodontal diseases to increasing density in the teeth. However, dental implants have the ability to supply another advantage in the jaw region that allows the regenerating of the alveolar bone. Yes, you heard us right. Dental implants possess the ability to resurrect the top layer of bone in the jaw over time. To learn how this is possible, read below.
The Jawbone
For patients that are not aware of the levels of bone in the jaw, the alveolar bone rests on top of the basal bone that holds the entire jaw structure together. This bone’s sole function is to maintain that the teeth are kept in the proper places, so when the patient loses the tooth, the alveolar bone is affected and lost gradually.
If patients that have lost their tooth or teeth recently come to see Dr. Snider, chances are that they have only lost the alveolar bone and may not need supplemental surgery. By integrating dental implants into the patients’ jawbones, the function and purpose of this bone is reinvented, which physically brings the bone with it. It is imperative that patients seek dental treatment immediately after losing a tooth or teeth to reduce the amount and extent of various procedures they may need.
However, any damage to the basal bone will directly result in physical and facial deformation in a patient’s outside appearance and may require a bone graft procedure to rebuild the area. During a bone graft procedure, the dentist replaces the fractured and damaged bone with new and healthy osseous tissue in order to reconstruct the region physically and initiate the natural integration. The result of this process allows the patient’s new bone to function just as well, if not better than their original jawbone.
Dental Implants
Dental implants are the sole leading tooth replacement compared to other “solutions” that claim to offer the same benefits. Through the process called osseointegration the dental implants are able to function and perform just as well as patients’ natural teeth. During this process the titanium screws, that are gently embedded into the patient’s jawbone, naturally integrate into the oral cavity. When the process is complete, Dr. Snider attaches the abutment to the implants that connects with the smooth and silky, porcelain crowns.
Want to learn more? Visit our Dental Implants Fort Worth TX page.
Call us Today to Schedule a Consultation.
Dental implants can create incredible benefits for those that have been missing a tooth or teeth for years, that other tooth loss solutions could not provide. These are not only the best tooth loss solution in the industry that work to restore oral and dental health over time but can even reinvent the purpose and presence of the alveolar bone. It is important for patients to come in to see Dr. Snider to determine if they will need a bone graft or not. Call us today to schedule your dental implant consultation at (817) 697-3488.