Dr. Snider and Dr. Marr are blogging today from Fort Worth, TX to share which healthy foods can help improve our oral hygiene, as well as how dental implants can help those who do not eat these fresh foods. There is a specific reason why our parents force- fed us our vegetables when we were young; granted back then it was in order to physically grow. As we do grow though, vegetables can significantly help with cleaning our mouths and teeth as good sources of vital nutrients. Without these greens, our dental hygiene goes downhill and people will be able to smell it if it gets bad enough. We have compiled a list of which helpful and healthful vegetables do what for our oral hygiene. Write this down and head to the produce section immediately!
The Enamel Army
Pumpkins, carrots, sweet potatoes, and broccoli help build our enamel’s strength. The vitamin A found in these veggies helps build the outer coating on our teeth to protect them from cavities, tooth decay, and tooth loss. Vitamin A must be present for the production of keratin, that helps keep our enamel and teeth strong. The formation of enamel is essential to guard our teeth from harmful and gross bacteria.
The Cleaning Crew
Those delicious, crunchy veggies that everyone can hear you eating help with the cleaning of our gums; these are carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, and cucumbers. The excess chewing compared to other vegetables, helps clean our gums considering how hard we are working to get it down. Not to mention these are quite tasty and refreshing with a nice glass of water to wash all the loose food particles down.
A Relaxing Massage
There is nothing better than a great back rub, but have you ever had your gums massaged? You have if you have eaten celery, it caresses and soothes our teeth and gums. Celery works as great cleaning agent that neutralizes the acid in the mouth and protects our salivary gland; which means fresher breath.
Other products that work to keep our mouth clean, when ingested, are any herbal teas, dairy products, fruit, herbs, seeds, fish, chicken, eggs, water, and whole grains. A proper and healthy diet can significantly help with long- term oral hygiene and overall physical and mental health.
Don’t Eat Your Greens?
Have you rarely eaten any of the healthy foods listed above? Chances are your dental health is not as great as it could be. If all you eat is fast food and candy, you are probably suffering from tooth decay. Our suggestion is to implement these kinds of healthy foods and nutrients as soon as possible. If you have already started to lose a tooth or teeth, you may need to consider dental implants.
We can give you the complete and stain- free smile that you think about having all of the time. Interested in learning more? Visit our Dental Implant Info page to explore this option.
Call us Today to Schedule a Consultation in Fort Worth, TX.
Let us help you get on the right track with your dental hygiene so you can be able to enjoy the freshest and healthiest foods the world has to offer. If you are in serious need of dental assistance, give us a call at 817-697-3488 to see if you are a possible candidate for this procedure.